An Invitation to the Reader


Welcome to My Garden was not originally intended for a broader audience. It’s a book of life lessons that was written to and for my kids, who are young adults. The idea was to share stories, reflections, and advice with them that I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. Writing the book was a labor of love. Every time I sat down to write, I visualized one of the kids sitting across from me, attentively listening. I was speaking to them through the written word, and it comes from the heart. It comes from the soul. It comes from a deep and selfless place that any loving parent can understand. As a result, the stories are more personal than I would otherwise have shared. The reflections are more vulnerable. The lessons are more meaningful. And the advice is more heartfelt. 

The decision to publish this book was not made until the draft manuscript was nearing completion. Friends who were aware of the project expressed an interest in reading it, suggesting they would find it helpful. Initially, I was taken aback by this request. I tend to be a private person, and Welcome to My Garden recounts some of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in my life. It reveals flaws, hardships, and experiences that are deeply personal. The prospect of sharing something so intimate was unsettling, and it seemed like a terribly difficult choice. But after further reflection, I came to realize that such a decision wasn’t really hard at all. Why? Because I was weighing my own discomfort and insecurity against the potential value the book might offer to others. To you, the reader. I could either accede to my fears or allow myself to be guided by higher ideals. Looking at it from this perspective, I recognized that I couldn’t not share the book. Not only would it go counter to my values, but it would be antithetical to the very lessons and virtues espoused in the book itself.

The decision to publish Welcome to My Garden did prompt me to make a few alterations, none of which were material to the essence of the work. Since some of the stories are sensitive, in a few cases I have taken the liberty of changing a name or otherwise disguising the identity of people to protect their privacy. But I have preserved the accuracy and details of all events to the best of my ability. If there are any factual errors or pertinent omissions it is unintentional. I would also like to be clear that the reflections and advice tendered herein are based on my personal experiences and opinion and not intended to be taken as absolute truths. My life’s journey has instilled an appreciation for diverse perspectives, and I’ve become acutely aware of the limits of my own knowledge. I encourage you to read the book with equal parts openness and discernment, and take away what resonates with you based on your own values, experiences, and circumstances.

In the Opening Letter that follows, you will learn more about the origin and purpose of Welcome to My Garden. It was created to take my kids on a tour. A tour of life experiences designed to impart the most important and timeless lessons I’ve learned. A tour that you are now invited to go on with us. And while the original intent of the book was to provide enrichment and make a positive difference in the lives of my children, I sincerely hope that it can do the same for you. 

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